Relaxant effect of four fractions separated from alkaloid extract of Pycnocycla spinosa on rat isolated ileum

H Sadraei, G Asghari, M Khazae


Hydroalcoholic extract of Pycnocycla spinosa was shown to have spasmolytic action in vitro and antidiarrhoeal effect in vivo. The hydroalcoholic extract of P. spinosa is composed of alkaloid, flavonoid and saponin components. Alkaloid fraction of P. spinosa contains the most active constituents. Therefore, the aim of this research was to separate different fractions of alkaloid extract of P. spinosa and screen for their spasmolytic activity on rat isolated ileum. Alkaloid fraction of P. spinosa was separated by fractional liberation technique. Four fractions were separated from the alkaloid rich fraction using thin layer chromatography. All 4 separated fractions inhibited the spasmolytic response to 80 mM KCl in a concentration-dependent manner. Two of the separated fractions also inhibited the response to ACh and 5-HT. This study showed the relationship between antispasmodic actions of different components presented in 4 fractions obtained from alkaloid extract of P. spinosa.


Pycnocycla spinosa; Hydroalcoholic extract; Spasmolytic; Alkaloid extract

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