Synthesis and antihypertensive activity of novel 4-[1-(4-X-benzyl)-5-imidazolyl] dihydropyridines in rat

F Hadizadeh, Z Fatehi-Hassanabad, M Fatehi-Hassanabad, A Beheshtizadeh, F Nabati


A series of 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers bearing 1-(4-X -benzyl)-5-imidazolyl substituent at 4 position (5a-e) (X=H, F) were synthesized and tested for antihypertensive activity in desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-induced hypertension in rats. Amlodipine was used as the standard dihydropyridine. All compounds tested showed lower antihypertensive activity than that of amlodipine. The most active compound (5e) had fluorine substituent (X=F).


Imidazole; Dihydropyridine; Antihypertension

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