Vol 10, No 3 (2015)

Table of Contents

Original Article

Stereospecific quantitation of 6-prenylnaringenin in commercially available H. lupulus-containing natural health products and dietary supplements Pages: 182-191
SE Martinez, NM Davies
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Antihypertensive and antioxidant effects of a hydroalcoholic extract obtained from aerial parts of Otostegia persica (Burm.) Boiss. Pages: 192-199
L Safaeian, N Ghasemi-Dehkordi, Sh Haghjoo Javanmard, H Namvar
Abstract (137 views)     |     Full Text PDF (177 downloads)     |     XML
uPAR peptide antagonist alters regulation of MAP kinases and Bcl-2 family members in favor of apoptosis in MDA-MB-231cell line Pages: 200-205
P Tarighi, H Montazeri, MR Khorramizadeh, A Madadkar sobhani, SN Ostad, MH Ghahremani
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Evaluation of the effect of ethanolic extract of fruit pulp of Cassia fistula Linn. on forced swimming induced chronic fatigue syndrome in mice Pages: 206-213
P Sarma, M Borah, S Das
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Synthesis of novel 1,8-acridinediones derivatives: Investigation of MDR reversibility on breast cancer cell lines T47D and tamoxifen-resistant T47D Pages: 214-221
SA Moallem, N Dehghani, S Mehri, Sh Shahsavand, M Alibolandi, F Hadizadeh
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Saffron ethanolic extract attenuates oxidative stress, spatial learning, and memory impairments induced by local injection of ethidium bromide Pages: 222-232
Sh Ghaffari, H Hatami, Gh Dehghan
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Cytotoxicity and antiangiogenic effects of Rhus coriaria, Pistacia vera and Pistacia khinjuk oleoresin methanol extracts Pages: 233-240
M Mirian, M Behrooeian, M Ghanadian, N Dana, H Sadeghi-Aliabadi
Abstract (137 views)     |     Full Text PDF (230 downloads)     |     XML
Active targeted nanoparticles: Preparation, physicochemical characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity effect Pages: 241-251
Sh Heidarian, K Derakhshandeh, H Adibi, L Hosseinzadeh
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Assessment of hydroalcoholic extract of seeds and leaves of Moringa peregrina on ileum spasm Pages: 252-258
H Sadraei, G Asghari, F Farahnaki
Abstract (165 views)     |     Full Text PDF (103 downloads)     |     XML
Effect of mutations in putative hormone binding sites on V2 vasopressin receptor function Pages: 259-267
Y Sebti, M Rabbani, H Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, S Sardari, MH Ghahremani, G Innamorati
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