Synthesis of some new tricyclic 4(3H)-quinazolinone derivatives

E Jafari, G A Khodarahmi, G H Hakimelahi, F Y Tsai, F Hassanzadeh


Quinazolinones are interesting molecules with a wide range of biological activities. We prepared a number of quinazolinone derivatives by the condensation of 5-bromo- or 5-nitro-substituted anthranilic acids with chloro-acyl chlorides. Anthranilic acid derivatives were treated with either 3-chloro-propionyl chloride or 4-chloro-butyryl chloride to yield the corresponding N-acyl-anthranilic acids. The resultants were reacted with acetic anhydride to afford the benzoxazinone intermediates, which upon condensation with elected amines in either DMF or ethanol gave the corresponding tricyclic 4(3H)-quinazolinone derivatives. It was found that reactions in DMF produced higher yields.

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