Cytotoxic activities of selected medicinal plants from Iran and phytochemical evaluation of the most potent extract

S Sahranavard, F Naghibi, M Mosaddegh, S Esmaeili, P Sarkhail, M Taghvaei, S Ghafari


Methanolic extract of 15 Iranian medicinal plants were prepared and tested for their cytotoxic activities against three cancer cell lines (MCF7, HepG2, WEHI164) and one normal cell line (MDBK). Some plants showed cytotoxic activities. The extract of Ferula szowitsiana root, which proved to be the most active, was chosen for further phytochemical studies. The major compounds of the most potent acetone extract were isolated. They were identified as chimgin and chimganin, two known monoterpenoids, by spectroscopic means. Their cytotoxic activity was evaluated in three cell lines. The results show that these compounds are responsible, at least in part, for the cytotoxic activity of this plant.


Cytotoxicity; Ferula szowitsiana; Monoterpenoid

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