Simple extractive colorimetric determination of buspirone by acid-dye complexation method in solid dosage form

M Amanlou, S Keivani, B Sadri, O Gorban-Dadras, E Souri


In the present study, a simple and sensitive extractive spectrophotometric method is described for determination of buspirone. The method is based on the reaction of buspirone and bromocresol green. The ion-pair complex was quantitatively extracted into chloroform at pH 2.3 followed by spectrophotometric determination at 415 nm. The complex was stable up to 2 days and obeyed Beer's law over the concentration ranges of 1.5-6 µg/ml. No significant interference was observed from the excipients, coloring and flavoring agents commonly used in the buspirone pharmaceutical preparations. The proposed method has been applied successfully for determination of buspirone in commercial pharmaceutical preparations.


Spectrophotometry; Buspirone; Bromocresol green; Ion-pair complex

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