Chemical composition of essential oil of Ferulago macrocarpa (Fenzl) Boiss. fruits

S E Sajjadi, Y Shokoohinia, M Jamali


Water-distilled essential oil of Ferulago macrocarpa (Umbelliferae) fruits was analyzed using GC-MS for the first time. Forty-two components comprising 99.5% of the total oil were identified, of which bornyl acetate (40.8%), 2,3,6-trimethyl benzaldehyde (7.2%), δ-selinene (5.5%), 1,10-di-epi-cubenol (5.1%), germacrene D (3.5%), β-phellandrene (3.5%) and α-pinene (3.4%) were found to be the major components. The oil of F. macrocarpa fruits consisted of 15 monoterpene hydrocarbons (21.4%), 6 oxygenated monoterpenes (42.2%), 17 sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (22.4%) and one oxygenated sesquiterpene (5.1%). Three benzenoid derivatives also comprised 8.4% of the oil. Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes comprised 63.6% and 27.5% of the F. macrocarpa fruits essential oil respectively; however, bornyl acetate (40.8%) was identified as the most abundant component of the oil.

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