Biochemical and histopathological effects of green tea nanoparticles in ironized mouse model

Hidayat Sulistyo Sulistyo, Dhadhang Wahyu Kurniawan, Lantip Rujito


Transfusion in the treatment of thalassemia gives rise to iron deposits in many organs. Since there are many obstacles in the use of deferoxamin (DFO) as an iron chelating agent, it is important to find another alternative therapy that can act as iron chelation. The study aims to compare the histopathological pictures of the heart and spleen in iron-induced rats after administration of DFO and nanoparticles of green tea extract. The research used experimental research design with a post-test only control group. Experimental nano green teas were divided into four treatment groups; no diet, DFO supplementation, nano green tea supplementation, and a combination of both DFO and green tea. Ferritin and glutathione peroxides were used as biochemical parameters, and histopathological pictures of the heart and spleen were recorded. The study showed that there was significant improvement in the rats receiving DFO and nanoparticles of green tea compared with the rats in the no diet group. The study also reported that nano green tea has an effect comparable to DFO.


Green tea; Nanoparticle; Thalassemia; Iron chelator; Transfusion

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