Antispasmodic effect of Dracocephalum kotschyi hydroalcoholic extract on rat ileum contraction

H Sadraei, Gh Asghari, F Kasiri


Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. (Labiatae) is a traditional medicine which is believed to have antispasmodic and analgesic activities. The antispasmodic action of D. kotschyi essential oil has been shown in a previous report. The objective of this research was to study antispasmodic activity of hydroalcoholic extract of D. kotschyi on ileum contractions. Hydroalcoholic extract was obtained from aerial part of D. kotschyi using percolation method. For antispasmodic studies, a portion of rat ileum was suspended under 1g tension in Tyrode’s solution at 37 °C and gassed with O2. Effect of the D. kotschyi extract was assessed on ileum contractions induced by KCl (80 mM), acetylcholine (ACh, 500 nM) and electrical field stimulation (EFS). The D. kotschyi extract concentration dependently inhibited the response to KCl (IC50=36 ± 5.1 mg/ml), ACh (IC50=101 ± 9.5 mg/ml), EFS-1 (IC50=96 ± 7.1 mg/ml) and EFS-2 (IC50=53 ± 4.3 mg/ml). From this experiment it was concluded that D. kotschyi extract possessed potent antispasmodic activity. Therefore, identification of the active component(s) is (are) recommended in order to find the best lead compound for drug development.

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